Design Projects for Kids
I have three children, and I am the oldest of eight siblings, so kids have long been a part of my life. I’ve studied theories of child development, including Piaget, Vygotsky, and Montessori, and I’ve taught a required studio course that focuses on the design of a preschool. I’ve also had numerous opportunities, both commissioned and volunteer, to design environments for kids. These projects include bedroom spaces for a variety of ages from infant to teen, indoor spaces for art and performance, and exterior spaces for play and family gathering. Designing for kids requires understanding their unique experience and perspective--an attention to textures and details, a shift in scale and vantage point, and a sense of whimsy and delight. In one simple experiment I had kids ages 3 and 5 take photos of their surroundings to understand the environment from their point of view. In a number of residential projects clients have requested decks and outdoor areas, which I’ve treated as opportunities to draw kids closer to the natural environment by creating stepped platforms and scaling the space to their size and ability. In my teaching and scholarship I advocate for children and their voice in the design process.
Collaborators: Various
Related Projects: Preschool Design Studio, Environmental Design Theory, Design and Social Responsibility, Graduate Thesis, 2050 Cherry, 48 Oakwood, 1 Hawks Nest
Related Materials: Kids’ POV Photos